
Copacabana & Sun Island from Puno

(Peru - Puno)

What will you do ?

Go through Copacabana & the Sun Island in Bolivia, going from Puno. Includes shared transportation ending in Puno or La Paz.

Early in the morning we will leave the hotel and start our 3 and half hours journey to Copacabana, in Bolivia. We will pass by the border crossing point Kasani, where we will make the migration procedures. Upon arrival in Copacabana we will visit the Copacabana Sanctuary and then have lunch at a delicious local restaurant.

In the afternoon at 1:30pm we start our sailing to Isla del Sol, enjoy the 1.5 hour ride on a motorboat on the highest navigable lake in the world. After reaching the island, you will be able to stretch your legs on a 40-minute hike where you’ll see the archaeological complexes of Pilko Kaina on the island's coast, the ruins of Chincana, the Temple of the Sun, the Sacred Rock, and the Table of Ceremonies. Spend some time in the archaeological museum to learn more about the history of the impressive complexes. Then, we will sail back to Copacabana to take the bus back to Puno and arrive at 8:30 pm.
You can choose to continue your trip towards La Paz from Copacabana with no extra cost. Just let us know in the booking request and tell the guide at the beginning of the tour.


Round Trip transfer from the Hotel to the bus boarding.
Tourist Bus Puno to Copacabana
Local Guide
Motor Boat
Entrance fees to the island
Lunch and a bottle of mineral water in Copacabana

Duration: 12:00

Where will you be ?

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